Welcome to dmrg101’s documentation!

dmrg101 is an implementation in Python of the Density Matrix Renormalization Group algorithm (DMRG). It is written with a pedagogical focus, and it’s probably not suitable for realistic research projects. dmrg101 was developed to be used as a tutorial code for the Taipei Density Matrix Renormalization Group Winter School.

The present documentation describes the use of the code per-se. For other information you could visit:

This documentation has two parts, one for users of the code and another for developers. If you are just interested in using the code to learn physics or following the tutorial for the school, you will probably need to read only the User Documentation. If you are also interested in modifying the code, expand it, or just want to dig into and mess around you may want to read the Developer Documentation.

Unless stated explicitily otherwise, all the materials are under a MIT license, meaning pretty much that you can use it as you want.

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